Sunday, August 21, 2011

Powerful prayer

Our family believes in the power of prayer. We believe that God hears us and responds. No, not always in the way we want, but He does respond out of His goodness. We trust Him with Luke tomorrow and ask you to pray with us that 1) He guides the dentist's, nurses', and anesthesiologist's hands; 2) Luke comes out of anesthesia easier than he has the past few times; 3) there are no complications; and 4) Luke wouldn't be traumatized in any way.

Luke is calling tomorrow "Crown Day!" and is actually excited because after "Crown Day", he can chew on both sides of his mouth!

You're going to do great, Mr. Luke!


  1. Praying that "Crown Day" will go well and Anesthesiologist will find the perfect combination of drugs for him.

  2. I am so glad to see that Luke is excited rather than aprehensive. Praying that it all goes very smoothly!
    Heart hugs,

  3. Praying for Luke...and for his mommy and daddy too!
