Saturday, May 16, 2009

Warm nights and funny phrases

Today was BEAUTIFUL in western Washington. One of those days where everyone's steps are just a little lighter. After a trail race this morning on beautiful (not to mention steep!) Cougar Mountain and a celebration for my Grandma's birthday, Roger, Luke and I stayed outside until Luke's bath-time. Here are a few pictures of our evening outside:

You can see remnants of Grandma Jeri's cake on Luke's shirt. He was mid-sentence of my favorite sentence: "I yuv you."

Luke can finally steer his motorized school bus! This is ideal to me having to turn the bus around every time he crashed!

Happy boy.

I absolutely love watching Luke's language skills evolve. I love getting a glimpse into how his little brain is making sense of the world around him. He is beginning to initiate sentences more rather than repeat what he hears others say. Like a conversation — so cool!

My favorite is when I hear him (or overhear him) using phrases that are typically used by adults:
  • "Hmmm ... Let's see now."
  • "Maybe in a little while" or "just a little bit longer"
  • "I cannot believe it!" (although I may have to attribute that one to Little Einsteins, not his parents)
  • When playing with a telephone, "Hi! How ya doing? I'm good. Okay, bye!"
  • "We could do that. That be so fun!"


  1. Sentences, fun! I cannot wait to hear sentences (not wishing away the time, though!).

    Luke is such a cutie. I could kiss all over his face in that last pic. He couldn't be more adorable.

    Warm weather, ahhhh. I know the feeling of never ever wanting to go inside when it's like that. We were like that yesterday, too.

    Smooches to the cutie! xo

  2. You have a great blog...I enjoyed my visit. Stop by and visit me when you have some time and read about our latest Disney adventures....Grandparent trips are the BEST...and every comment enters you for the May giveaway.
