Saturday, December 27, 2008

Upcoming cardiologist appointment

Roger and I are asking for prayer for Luke's cardiology appointment on Monday, December 29. It's been three months since we've seen Dr. S. and we are asking for prayer that everything looks fantastic with Luke's heart. Specifically: His sat's would be in the 88-90% range; his echo would show no concerns and good heart function; his ekg would be normal; and his weight would be up.

Thank you for praying for us!

I'm hoping to get some Christmas pictures posted later today. We had a wonderful Christmas and we hope you all did too!!!


  1. I'll be praying for you! Isn't it aweful to be so scared going into a Dr. appt? We are always anticipating that NEXT appointment or the NEXT phone call.

    I'm sure Luke is fine... he looks wonderful!! I'm glad you had a great Christmas as well.

  2. My prayers are with you and I'm sure Luke will have a great report!!! So happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas, can't wait to see the pictures! I'm thinking about coming to the next support group meeting at Children's on the 4th...if the roads and weather is nice :) I'm trying to get Susie and Teagan to come too, so if we do, I'll let you know and maybe you guys could come too??? Would love to meet up with you again! I'll keep in touch about it- good luck on Monday!
