Monday, February 23, 2009

Ducky Bread

Quick Lukey story:

Before bed the other night, we were sitting in his rocking chair listening to his playlist (such a child of the millenium!) and the song "Hallowed" came on. This is a beautiful version of the Lord's Prayer by Jennifer Knapp and goes, "Give us this our daily bread/Hallowed....Hallowed." All of sudden after this line, Luke sits straight up and says, "Feed duckies bread!" Oh, sweet boy, how much do I love you!


  1. That is so precious! Glad you shared, sure brought a smile to my face. I love Jennifer Knapp too...after you said that, I added one of her songs to our playlist on the blog! Hope you guys are doing great, bet Luke's talking up a storm. What a fun summer this is going to be for you guys. Take care!

  2. Hi, Luke!

    Just a quick note to see how you are doing and to say hi! I live wayyyyyy over here in South Carolina... get your dad to show you SC on a map!

    I'm 42 and have a single ventricle just like you do! We're pretty special, not everybody gets to be a Cardiac Kid! And what's even better, I know a *lot* of grown ups with heart defects - we aren't rare anymore!

    But you gotta take care of yourself first - keep your heart strong so it can keep on going! So get outside and play! And drop by my blog any time you want to!

    Adventures of a Funky Heart! blog:
