Friday, June 29, 2012


I am near bursting with pride. Despite a "nervous tummy", he went bravely into our church's Vacation Bible School all week, with only one tearful drop-off. It gives me so much hope for the transition to kindergarten. It has helped that his best buddy, Marcus, went to VBS with him, but Luke is one of those kids who, once his mind is made up, isn't really swayed by incentives.

The Children's Pastor opened the first morning by asking if anyone was feeling a little nervous. Look who's hand shot up:

Mama was nervous too.

I love that Luke can recognize what he is feeling, verbalize it, and then take action to help his nerves. I overheard him ask his teacher if 1) she was going to be his teacher all day, and 2) what time his mom was going to pick him up. He needed those details to start to feel comfortable. I would never have been able to do that as a shy five year old!

The theme this year was "Blueprint: God's Plan for Your Life". I'm not sure how much he retained, since his stories were always about obstacle courses and snack and building bird houses and stickers, but my prayer is that deep in his heart He is beginning to understand that God is planning good things for Luke's life and following Him will lead to peace, joy and satisfaction.

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